Not just a friend, but my brother.
Created by Lawrence 3 years ago
My friend and brother Micheal Thompson . God doesn't do coincidences.
1996 was the beginning of a defining period in my life, I started a degree at Middlesex University and at the same time commenced a part time job working at Ladbroke Grove Sainsburys. It was there on the produce section that I met 'MT'. He was already employed there. I can't remember when we first spoke or what it was about, most probably football or him advising me on something. As our shifts coincided I became acquainted with Micheal and alongside Clifford Sakhi and a couple others we struck up a good rapport. However like most groups, we had 'a team within a team'. We colloquially referred to the Monday evening shift as Sainsburys NBA nights. (I leave the rest for you to figure).
We discovered that we both attended the same university, albeit that Mike was on a different course. Over the years despite me being an ardent Arsenal fan and Mike a passionate Spurs man, I forgave him and struck up a good rapport with Mike. I couldn't help but be drawn to Mike, he was not shy, but neither was he a man who drew attention to himself. He was very much an affable and very well mannered person. Incredibly patient, and easy going, accommodating and quietly hilarious at times. I remember when I bought my first PC, I had only known MT a matter of months, yet he offered to help set it up, he also helped collect the pc desk. That's the kind of helpful person I always found him to be. You simply could not 'not like Mike'.
Over time, I got to know Mike outside of work, meeting his wonderful wife to be Elsie, in the process. The summers of 1997 and 1998 are adorned with treasured memories of absolutely enjoyable and/or hilarious nights out as a group, double dates or the trio of myself, Mike and Clifford. Mike was the measured restraint to any excesses in jocularity and high jinks that me or Clifford would bring to the party (quite literally).
Even after graduation from uni and leaving sainsburys to follow career paths, we all (Cliff, Mike and myself) remained in contact. I am proud that Cliff and myself were able to perform an impromptu warbling of The Carpenters 'Close to you' at Mike and Elsie's wedding reception. I hold dear and warm recollection of the road trip with Mike and his family driving to Cliff's wedding in 2006. Mike again being great company throughout.
I could go on and on about a plethora of memories accumulated with our interaction over 24 years and the big and positive difference Mike made to my life. I once told Mike that I considered him to be like a slightly younger brother, and I meant that I really did. It was not that we were always in regular contact, but rather that whenever we were, it was sincere, hearty, conversational and without pretence. MT was a real stand out guy. Always able to provide advice when asked and a great listener in times of trouble. MT was indeed regarded like a brother.
The last time I went out with Mike was for a vegan lunch in Oxford. That day now being enshrined in memory forever.
God does not do coincidences. I was meant to meet Michael Thompson and become his friend, and I can testify that my life has been all the better for it. Friends are not just people you like, it's people you reason with and learn from. Family is not just about blood ties, it's about strength of kinship. MT met both criteria for me. I still don't believe I am typing this. I can't believe my friend and brother has gone. I don't want to believe he has gone.
Mike I love you so very very much. Thank you for enriching my life with so many memories. I pray God's comfort and solace to Elsie, Jessica and the wider Thompson family.
They say friend are like diamonds, faithful and rare. You won't find many like the diamond now lost from us.